2017 - 2021
Building groups influence their future homes
Køge Kyst building group
At a plot in the new development of Køge Kyst a housing project shaped by the future inhabitants is taking shape. This way of building originates in Germany, so-called ‘baugruppen’, and is an attractive building model as the inhabitants are given influence over the physical frames they are going to move into, both their private dwellings and shared spaces. In addition to this, the costs of the developer are saved. Building groups are a great supplement to the Danish housing market, contributing to a more diverse offer.
The process of developing these projects consists of several phases, including the establishing of an association by the inhabitants. Within the association the framework for the building and design process are provided. It is also the association that hires a contractor for the construction of the building. To prepare the ground for these projects to happen, Vandkunsten together with the fund Selskabet for Billige Boliger and Køge Kyst Development Company established a partnership.
Building groups tends to prioritize community and shared facilities, however this is not necessarily the case in all projects. The degree of community and the amount of shared facilities are discussed and decided within the association, and through the design and building process a community is shaped and the relationship between the inhabitants are developed over a longer period, as opposed to when buying a house on the private market.
The building group at Køge Kyst has decided to integrate spacious entrance areas with space to meet and socialize and a shared kitchen with dining space.
Project facts
Project name: Fællesbyg Køge Kyst
Category:Co-Housing, Housing, Planning, R&D
Client: Fællesbyg Køge Kyst by Selskabet for Billige Boliger
Location: Køge
Gross area: 5,170 m²
Date: 2017 - 2021
Status: Finished
Number of units: 45
Program: Housing, shared facilities,
Activity: New construction
Job type: Partnership
Construction system: Load-bearing concrete and wood facade elements
Contact: Jan Albrechtsen, jal@vandkunst.dk
Project group: Pernille Schyum Poulsen, Marie-Gesine Kauschen, Christian Stahlfest Holck Skov, Line Tebering, Amalie Brandt Opstrup, Wiebke Neymeyr, Anders Paw Bregnballe, Nick Dyhr, Silje Erøy Sollien, Jan Albrechtsen
Architect: Vandkunsten Architects
Landscape: Vandkunsten Architects
Engineer: MOE A/S
Contractor: Jönsson
Consultant: Byudviklingsselskabet Køge Kyst