2015 - 2020
Test house in Nuuk
Can you live with more climate zones?
The small house in Nuuk is an experiment testing the visionary concept for ‘Possible Greenland’ that Vandkunsten designed for the 2021 Venice Biennale.
Project facts
Project name: Test House in Nuuk
Category:Housing, R&D, Wood
Client: Danish Technical University and supported by the AP Møllerske Foundation
Location: Nuuk
Gross area: 100 m²
Date: 2015 - 2020
Status: Finished. DTU will evaluate the project
Number of units: 1
Program: Bolig
Activity: Nybyggeri
Construction system: Trækonstruktion med klimaskærm i polykarbonat
Contact: Søren Nielsen,
Project group: Christian Stahlfest Holck Skov, Troels Trier Mørk, Thomas Nybo Rasmussen, Rasmus Voss Nyborg, Olmo Ahlmann
Architect: Tegnestuen Vandkunsten