2018 - 2022
Urban living room
The culture house ties the urban center together
The Copenhagen suburb of Hvidovre is carrying out a transition of the urban center, which holds administrative functions as well as the old cultural venue, Risbjerggård. The municipality held an architectural competition in 2018 to egnite the major development plan with a new home for the cultural scene of Hvidovre. Vandkunsten won the competition.
With its location in the heart of the urban center of Hvidovre, it is the purpose for the cultural center to connect, strengthen and intensify the Hvidovre’s already existing qualities such as the strong community of locals and of the municipal activities. It is the ambition to strengthen the connection with the public institutions such as the library, the town hall across the street, and that the design of the outdoor spaces becomes an active part of this development.
House without a backside
"It is a premise for the project that the culture house opens up to the public and the town in different ways and towards all directions. Our proposal for the Culture house is split into smaller entities to fit into the local context without dominating it. – it is a scheme without back sides in a scale that is tailored to the surrounding cityhall and villa neighbors"
Flemming Ibsen, Architect MAA and partner at Vandkunsten
Project facts
Project name: Culture house and theater
Category:Culture & Institutions, Renovation
Client: Hvidovre Municipality
Location: Hvidovre
Gross area: 2.700 m²
Date: 2018 - 2022
Cost of construction: DKK 70 mio
Program: Culture house and theater
Activity: New construction and renovation
Job type: 1. prize in architectural competition
Contact: Hildur Hansen, hh@vandkunst.dk
Project group: Michael Delin, Flemming Ibsen, Lars Rex Christensen, Martin Andersson, Pi Dehli Kolbye, Andreas Skytte Hvid, Andrea Tryggvadóttir, Alexander Vedel Ottensten, Emma Rishøj Holm, Stine Christiansen, Chanette Ingemann Nielsen, Thomas Nybo Rasmussen, Sam Coolidge, Christian Stahlfest Holck Skov
Architect: Vandkunsten
Landscape: Vandkunsten
Engineer: Orbicon
Consultant: AIX Arkitekter AB