At Vandkunsten Architects we design with an understanding of the past and with respect the future. Housing, buildings, and cities must be at eye level and make room for communities.

With­out shar­ing - no sus­tain­abil­ity

Team Vand­kun­sten and SLA win com­pe­ti­tion about Odense in­ner har­bour


At a public event in Odense on June 8, 2023, Team Vandkunsten and SLA were announced as the winners of the architectural competition for the development of Odense's inner harbor. Their proposal, Odense Havneby, impressed the judges and will now undergo further refinement to be integrated into a district development plan for the area. The team includes EKJ Rådgivende Ingeniører, Cushman & Wakefield/RED, Linq Trafik, and Mogens A. Morgen, bringing together a range of expertise to ensure a comprehensive and successful implementation of the project.

Team Vand­kun­sten wins Munke­ha­gen Grøn­likaia in Oslo!


HAV Eiendom and Oslo Havn have invited Tegnestuen Vandkunsten to continue the work after the parallel assignment.

Vand­kun­sten, Rolvung og Brønd­sted Arkitek­ter and DO­MINIA win Cam­pus Odsh­erred


An unanimous judging committee has chosen Team Vandkunsten's proposal as winner of Fremtidens Campus Odsherred.

Low-rise, high-den­sity ar­chi­tec­ture in Swedish


On the Kattegat coast, just north of the Swedish city of Helsingborg, lies the idyllic town of Viken. An old fishing hamlet, not dissimilar  to Skovshoved or Dragør in Denmark, places rich in local pride that attract visitors from near and far, who come here to experience the idyllic village atmosphere. Here, on a former school plot in the centre of town, Vandkunsten was commissioned to design a modern housing development with respect for the traditional setting. Around the turn of the millennium, Vandkunsten had been working mainly with low-rise, high-density architecture in non-profit housing. At Viken, we had the opportunity to translate these basic principles into a private project commissioned by an ambitious client, the co-op housing association  HSB Västra Skåne. The development consists of 58 homes. Traditional, simple types that could be sited just about anywhere. But right here, in this idyllic setting, they come into their own, with their uniform and coherent expression. The high density encourages interaction and meetings in the narrow alleys and passageways. Classic Vandkunsten dogmas, but also virtues that have been practised in the hamlet since the 17th century.

Win in Tübin­gen


Urban and contemporary interpretation of the historical farms and social spaces in the village. Vandkunsten Architects wins competition issued by social housing client GWG Tübingen

Com­pe­ti­tion win for new cul­ture house and the­ater


An old cherished structure is the pivot point for a new culture house and theater. Vandkunsten Architects with Orbicon and AIX Arkitekter have won the competition which is the first step of a new masterplan for the centre of Hvidovre