13 October 2016Team Vandkunsten wins masterplan competition for Amager Fælled Neighborhood
The new masterplan combines city and nature in a new way and is developed using Nature-based Solutions.
We won the competition to develop the Amager Fælled Neigborhood! With our team of Vandkunsten Architects, Marianne Levinsen Landscape, Dansk Energi Management & Esbensen (engineers, sustainability) and Norconsult (engineers, traffic, water) we have applied Nature Based Solutions to a unique site and planned a neighborhood that connects nature and buildings in a radically new way. Nature-based solutions are specific and take advantage of Nature’s sophistication by turning environmental, social, and economical challenges into innovative possibilities.
Low block structures are built on pillows of gravel while the blue and the green nature is gently is preserved with a ‘seed bank’. Large wedges on the site are left untouched offering direct acces to a new form of ‘urban nature’. From the metro stop is direct access to the commons and a planned super bike lane