29 November 2019Welcome to the housing lab
What if we could live like this or build like that? Every day in December on Instagram, you are invited inside the Vandkunsten housing laboratory where status quo is questioned on a daily basis.
The advent calendar on Instagram has become a nice tradition to nerd and share a theme in 24 bite sizes. This season, our followers on Instagram get a chance to enter the housing lab of Vandkunsten. Housing is the core output at Vandkunsten Architects. We work with strategic planning, new build and renovation – yet quality housing and communities form the foundation of our practice.
Design practices and building technologies are constantly evolving. Changing lifestyles, family structures and household priorities continue to impact our homes and the way we live. That is why we keep developing new housing models at Vandkunsten. We call it the housing lab.
The advent calendars of previous years have been about communities, materials, details, and sketches in our practice. Find them all using the hashtag #vandkunstensjulekalender