Get the report here (edited upload – Feb 2017) 

Material waste is the ‘dark side’ of renovation in construction and discarded materials and components
potentially represent a triple capital related to economy, energy, and culture.

The project Nordic Built Component Reuse explores, by devising and constructing 20 full-scale prototypes, new practices for high-level reuse of dismantled building components and materials at all product stages from sourcing to disassembly.

New commissions for products and methods confirm the commercial potential; LCAs confirm the
assumption of environmental benefits of reuse; and the interest in prototypes and open-source dissemination
of results will hopefully inspire the construction sector and users for further cultural development and implementation.

Project manager/  Vandkunsten Architects
Team/ Genbyg (DK), Asplan Viak AS (NO), Hjellness Consult AS (NO), Malmö Tekniska Högskola (SE)

>> Contakt/ Søren Nielsen